Pelican Static Website
Mon 23 December 2024
Pelican is a static website generator suited for making blog, serial article websites. It uses python to create static html pages from simple text files writting in RST or Markdown language. A much simpler medium than writting raw HTML code.
Themes explored (and what I like about them)
- waterspill.en: The simple template used for this website. TBD: this theme doesn't support pagination, need to copy from Rockstar theme
- foundation: Very basic theme compatible with extensions, used for testing my understanding of process
- Rockstar: theme used for the rockstarbridge website
Some plugins I put in the virtualenv for Pelican.
- pelican-tag-cloud - generate tag cloud information
- pelican-neighbors - adds next, prev, next_category and prev_category to the article variable
pelican-tag-cloud Updated CSS for the cloud relative sizes
pelican-neighbors For this plugin, I ammended the article.html Jinga template to put in prev and next article in category. I also adjusted the CSS for blogMeta to decorate the href links.
pyexiftool object wrapper to exiftool script for mining exif data from images
Photo publication to Pelican