Made '10' level rank on BBO
Thu 26 December 2024
I took some time December 26th, the day after Christmas, to work on my BBO 2024 goal. I've been slowly closing in on my goal of reaching the "10" badge on BBO. The badge means I've won over 1000 BBO master points (different from my ACBL points and rank of Gold Life Master). Typically, on BBO, ACBL grants more points per tournament victory and awards more places than just BBO (or other foreign bridge leagues). So, while earning 1000 BBO points, I have earned close to 2000 ACBL master points; from games that award both ACBL and BBO points.
The final push was to play in all 6 BBO daylong games, 4 MP and 2 IMP scoring. I averaged 4th place in the 6 games and the 1.81 points pushed me over 1000.
I'm still pursuing a couple of countries that I know have point tournaments: Israel, South Africa and Belguim. I have played in all the other countries (federations) that run virtual games on BBO and the 2025 goal will be to drive my point totals in each, first to 1 full master point and eventually 5+ points (similar to my virtual bridge quest in playing in all US States and Canadian provinces.
One deal stands out from the batch of Robot BBO games. The computer/robots really lose their mind sometimes. The complete deal is:
I held the South hand against 3 robot opponents. East dealt and opened 1♥. I have a super strong hand; only missing 3 Aces. A 'three-loser' hand. Of course, using with losing trick count is a bit misleading. The AQ of each suit could be behind my Kings resulting in losing 6 tricks. However, since East opened before me, I can consider that they have ~12 HCP or more for their bid.
In any case, I made a take-out double with the intent of relating my hand strength and shape with a 'double and bid'. Bidding my own suit after a take-out double request indicates that I have a strong hand that suit and not a take-out request to partner that I'd support whatever suit they have length in. West passed with a 1 point hand and my robot partner cue-bids opener's suit with 2♥. This shows a good hand of at least 11 points (could be distibutions points or simply high card points) and it's forcing. I see immediately, that the robots will be trouble on this deal. This is getting into very specific corner cases in standard bridge bidding. A weakness of the robots.
I continue by bidding my diamond suit with 3♦. How will the Robot consider that bid? They have made a forcing bid. My bid shows 12+ total points and 4+ diamonds. Technically correct, but not really conveying my hand shape or strength. The Robot bids 4♣ over my 3♦, ugh. Robots don't like bidding 3NT with a void, even when it is the suit shown by their partner. We have just shot passed 3NT as a likely best contract. Most hands that can make 5 of a minor will have some play for 9 tricks in no trump. But, how do I proceed after Robot's 4♣ bid. The alert text states: 5+♣; 11-14 points. What do I know about the real strength of the Robot hand.
I have a doubleton club, if the Robot is going crazy with a 5 card club suit, a void in my diamond suit - which the Robot will overcount in playing strength - and a smattering of values for 11 or 12 HCP. I could easily be off 3 or 4 tricks in a 5♣ contract. Going it alone as 5♦ seems dangerous too. I need more info from the Robot (and we're already at the 4-level). I venture a 4♦ bid to re-iterate that I have longer diamonds that the first mention. The Robot jumps to 6♣. An interesting bid, no cue-bidding, no control asking, just a jump to a minor suit slam.
I'm worried that we're missing at least 2 control cards, if partner has neither major suit Ace. Also, seems unlikely that if missing a major suit Ace that it would have a void to ruff it on the opening lead to avoid the loser. Left with the prospect that this could be a hopeless slam, I despaired. Suddenly, I considered what if this is a solid minor suit slam. If 6♣ can make, it must be on the long suit and controls in North's hand. My Diamond suit should run very well once trump is pulled and could be used to pitch away losers in the North. If that happens, that 6NT would be the exact same tricks. It is unlikely that my K-doubleton could be used for ruffing and will be used only to support pulling the trump from the opponents hands. I correct the 6♣ contract to 6NT and Wham! East throws down the double card holding two Aces. Well, with East holding two aces, 6♣ wasn't going to make either.
Then a Miracle Happens
Against 6NTx, West leads the J♥. A predictable lead and the only value in West's hand. East wins the heart lead with their Ace. The Robot only needs to cash the A♠ and the contract is down 1. Instead the Robot continues with a low heart! This allows me to win with the King. Run the top 4 diamonds (seeing the 5-2 split and knowing the suit doesn't run for 7 tricks) and discarding the losing spades. Now, switch to run the long club suit 7 tricks, since with the top 6 club cards no split of the outstanding 4 clubs can provide opponents with a trick. 1 heart, 4 diamonds and 7 clubs brings in 12 tricks, making 6NT-doubled for 1680. A miracle top board finding a doubled slam off top aces!
Master Points per State